Looking for Love?

Love – did you know that the definition given in the dictionary for this word is wrong! Yes – that’s right I said it’s wrong. True love is not a feeling it’s an action. We make a choice to love, to show kindness to someone.
You see the real meaning of love is charity and so in order to understand what it means to love we must ask what does charity mean? Charity equals giving, so when we love, we are giving of ourselves. That’s why the dictionary and in fact, the world’s definition of love is incorrect because it tends to center on our receiving.
Everyone needs love – that’s true. So, when we seek it for ourselves, we try to sense whether we have attained it by the feelings we feel and we don’t realize we’ve got it all backwards. Usually that’s why love doesn’t last, because we can’t always control our feelings.
However, when we understand that love is giving of ourselves, we have greater control over our ability to give. And, if we are consistent in our giving, we begin to feel good about it and that feeling tends to grow and satisfies us longer.
So stop looking for love and start giving it! Soon, you’ll feel more love than you ever have! Also, read the following Scriptures to help you understand love! John 3:16, 1-Corinthians 13 (the whole chapter) and 1-John 4:7-11